Pay negotiations and making a decent offer should be a priority for our employer. UNISON is asking all TfGM staff to sign this petition and to encourage colleagues to do the same.
The unions submitted the pay claim on 13 February. Our pay rise was due on 1 April yet the employers hadn’t even offered dates for talks. Since 2009 our pay has fallen by over 35% in real terms. TfGM staff have done amazing work to deliver Metrolink expansions, establishing the Active Travel Bee Network and delivering the first two tranches of bus franchising – all while keeping the rest of our work going. We deserve better.
A printable version of the petition is also available.
UNISON reps will not present the petition to TfGM management until at least 200 TfGM staff have signed it.

The petition
We the undersigned call on Transport for Greater Manchester to negotiate with the unions through the Passenger Transport Forum and make a 2024 pay offer in line with the pay claim without further delay.
The petition is now closed. Thanks to the 341 TfGM staff who signed it.

The pay claim
- £3000 or 10%, whichever is greater
- Living Wage Foundation accreditation
- At least £15 an hour by the end of March 2026
- Increase allowances including on-call
- Improved leave and pay for new parents
- Publish gender, ethnicity and disability pay gaps and work with unions to tackle them
- 36 hour week with no loss of pay