Support the TfGM strikers

Workers at TfGM are fighting to end many years of falling pay, to improve substandard and outdated terms and conditions, and to tackle inequality. You can find lots more information about our campaign on this website.

Details of the action we are taking and strike-day activities are at We are particularly keen for supporters to join us at our march and rally on our first strike day, Thursday 12 December. Please come and show your support whenever you can.

On the evening of Friday 13 December there will be a joint strike solidarity party to raise support for the strikes at TfGM, NHS mental health Early Intervention Service, and at the Loreto and Xaverian 6th form colleges. Entry will be free for strikers and our families. Details are on the action page.

You can send messages of support to

Both UNISON and Unite have strike funds to support members facing hardship during our action. You can donate with these details:

UNISON strike fund details

Account Name: UNISON GMT Branch

Sort Code: 60-83-01

Account Number: 36011306

Please use the reference TfGM Strike Fund 

Unite strike fund details

Account name: Unite GMPTE ACTSS NW827 Branch

Sort code: 60-83-01

Account Number: 20281919

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