TfGM strike day #1

Thursday 12 December was the first strike day for both unions. Pickets were very well supported, after which strikers marched from the TfGM headquarters to a noisy rally outside the Bee Network Committee meeting at the GMCA offices. Many strikers spoke, along with supporters including UNISON Organiser Kevin Dolan, Unite Officer Howard Percival, UNISON national President Steve North, UNISON NEC member Andrea Egan, Unite rep John Mulligan from the Manchester NHS mental health strike and Sue Caldwell from Trafford TUC. Below is a selection of pictures from the day.

A speech by one of the young women strikers summed up the strong feelings of strikers about the poor treatment of new parents at TfGM:

I started in September and was promised enhanced maternity leave and parental policy. The policies don’t reflect this.

TfGM talk about what a diverse and inclusive work force they wish to foster. But women in transport need parental leave. The policies don’t reflect this.

Andy Burnham talks about the north being just as good to work in as the south. The policies don’t reflect this.

Andy Burnham talks about the north being just as to good to raise a family than the south. The policies don’t reflect this.

Andy Burnham talks about the north being just as good for young professionals than the south. The policies don’t reflect this.

I have found a passion about transport in Greater Manchester, and I’m proud to be providing transport to Greater Manchester.

But I will not pick my job over starting a family. Don’t force out young women from the northern transport sector.

Thank you for showing solidarity with future parents.

Here are two tweets showing the march:

Plans for the ongoing action are at

2 thoughts on “TfGM strike day #1”

  1. I joined the rally in support, and spoke to several strikers. All were really pleased with the size of the turnout.
    As ever, massive support from passing vehicles too.
    A reporter from The Mill attended, so that should mean a publicity boost.

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